MBMC President’s Letter – August 2022

Greetings fellow MBMC members….as always, I hope this message finds you well. 

Before jumping in, I wanted to just let you all know in case you’ve missed it, fishing has been phenomenal throughout the Southern California region. Reports of tonnage of Bluefin Tuna in as close as the 270 off Mission Bay, all the way up past Catalina Island. Same story goes for quality grade Dorado and Yellowtail and a nice mix of Yellowfin Tuna. I also heard chatter of a Wahoo taken last week. Amazing fishing…..get out there! 

Congrats to member Lou Hayden for his July FOM win with a 104 lb BFT. Well done Lou! 

I want to welcome these new and returning members….best of luck to you all this year:

  • Jeff KaiserDrew Ann, 21′ Grady White
  • Ron ReeceHustler, 23′ Maritime
  • Waynne YasudaEncounter, 36′ Pacifica


  • Be sure to register for the Marlin Seminar – Pt II being held this Sunday (August 28th) from 2-6 PM to include a taco bar dinner. This second round will be more focused on the knots and lure rigging aspects of the hunt for billfish in So Cal and is sure to provide quality input from a number of skilled club members. Please RSVP by Wednesday, August 24! 
  • To start off the Sept 2022 month, don’t forget to sign up for this year’s Roy Lively Month-Long Marlin Tournament. Always a fav for those that can make it out this time of year! Click for Month Long Tournament Details
  • To cap off Sept Marlin fishing, MBMC will be hosting the Annual Marlin Tournament with a captains meeting kicking off on Sept 23rd, tournament fishing the 24th, and an amazing awards banquet capping off the fun on Sunday, Sept 25th. Be sure to sign up before September 15, 2022, to qualify for the early bird prize drawing. Special thanks goes out to John Brudwick for his generous $1000.00 contribution to the event. There are always tons of great raffle prizes available to those that attend.  Click here for Annual Marlin Tournament Details

***Dana landing fuel discount update!!! 

Important Notice! Dana Fuel Dock discount. To receive the discount, the Dana employee may ask you for your membership number. Your Dana Fuel Dock membership number is your cell phone number with area code. 

I think that about covers everything for now. Until next time…. 

Tight lines and smooth seas, 

Shane Hurt 

MBMC Marlin Seminar II Reminder and MBMC Marlin Tourney Info

Just a reminder, our Marlin Seminar II (and Dinner) is scheduled for Sunday, August 28, 2022 @ 2:00 – 6:00pm at Bay Park Fish Company.

Sign up deadline is Wednesday  August 24, 2022

Great time to pick-up some new Marlin fishing pointers from rigging to execution as well as meeting other members.  Our Own MBMC Member Marlin Expert , Shane Hurt, and others will be there to lend knowledge and do demonstrations.  Bring a lure or two, hooks and leader if you would like assistance in rigging tackle.  

This should get you fired up and ready for the two September Marlin Tournaments!

The Seminar would be a great time to sign up for both events.

Tournament Co-Chairs,

Ray Fear / Kevin Yamamoto

MBMC President’s Message – July 2022

Greetings fellow MBMC members….I hope this message finds you all well. Another month has transpired and the heart of the fishing season is upon us. I do hope you are finding time to get out on the water and enjoy some of the great fishing this season has presented so far.

I wanted to say welcome to some of our new and returning members….best of luck to you all this year:

  • Clint Lively –  Lively One, 28’ Topaz
  • Lou  Hayden –  Hot Pursuit, 28’ Pursuit
  • Daniel Lecuna – Reel Life, 30’ Boston Whaler
  • Robert Gordon – Reelcontrol, 26.5’ Edgewater
  • Charles Harris – Sticky Business, 33’ Grady White
  • Ken Hood – SeaBear , 32’ Sea Sport
  • Michael Van Zeeland – Marvin II, 30.5’ Grady White
  • Ron Anderson – Gratitude, 36’ Riviera

The FOM winner for June 2022 was John Brudvik with a 96.8 lb Bluefin Tuna. Well done John!

With that, it sounds like many of the larger grade BFT have moved into the local bight. Rest assured, there are still a nice mix of tuna grade to be had for anglers of all pursuits. There are few places that fishing has not been productive with Bluefin and Yellowfin being reported outside the Coronado’s up to the corner. With select kelp paddy’s also holding Dorado and Yellowtail in the nicer grade.

Additionally, Bluefin are scattered throughout the SoCal region all the way up to the Osborne according to recent reports. The ridge up to Catalina Island and onward between the islands also appears to be productive. In summary, it sounds like the whole local ocean is producing to those that make the trip.

I wanted to take a moment to thank those that attended the MBMC Marlin Seminar. Aside from a great venue at Bay Park Fish Co, the overall experience was great according to feedback. Special thanks goes out to your board members for making a great event happen. To all those that weren’t able to attend, or those that did and would like to do so, there will be a second Marlin seminar focusing on knots and rigging. Marlin Seminar II (and Dinner) is scheduled for Sunday, August 28, 2022 from  2:00 – 6:00pm at Bay Park Fish Company.

I am happy to announce that the annual MBMC Marlin Tournament is spooling up and is sure to be a hit as always! Your MBMC tournament committee is hard at work trying to make this an exceptional year. Special thanks goes out to members and MBMC tournament directors Ray Fear and Kevin Yamamoto, along with the rest of your MBMC board for all their effort in making this happen. If you have not already received an announcement for entry and tournament sponsorship, you will be receiving such soon. Please help the club out in making this a great 2022 tournament! Rooms for the captains meeting and awards banquet have already been booked. We can’t wait to see you all there! 

I will bring this month’s letter to a close for now. I do hope you are all making the time to get out on the water to enjoy an amazing year thus far. By the looks of it, this season has all the makings of being fun for all anglers.

Tight lines and smooth seas,

Shane Hurt

(MBMC President – 2022)

Marlin Seminar Recap

Thank you to all the attendees of this year’s Marlin Seminar.  We had a great showing with 22 members in attendance.  We want to welcome  three new members to the club that were in attendance. Ken Schilling (Joint Venture), Rob Gordon (Reel Control) and Ron Anderson (Gratitude). Thank you for your support.  The club now stands at 82 members.

Thanks to Ken Yasuda for securing the beautiful outdoor setting at The Bay Park Fish Company. The service and the food was outstanding.  And as always a big  thank you to Billy Vitale for putting such a great raffle together. To let you all know it takes a tremendous amount of time and effort to obtain all the fabulous prizes.

Thank you again.

 All the marlin tournament information will be forthcoming . Let’s Make this year’s tournament one of the best attended.  Grab some friends and get on the water.

The 2022 48th MBMC Marlin Tournament will start on September 23 with the captains meeting. The following day on the 24th will be the actual tournament itself.  Sunday the 25th will be the awards banquet. This event is always a lot of fun. MARK YOUR CALENDARS.

For those of you that attend this year’s  marlin seminar we were so fortunate to have Shane Hurt share his years of knowledge and experience with us. As most of you all know Shane and his father “Beak” are some of the top marlin fisherman around today.  A huge thank you Shane for taking time out of your busy schedule to share all your marlin tips with us.  And as Shane  promised he revealed some of his closely kept secrets to marlin fishing. Only 22 people now know those secrets.

Finally, to all members please take advantage of these seminars and tournaments.  The board puts a tremendous amount of time and effort into these events. Also please continue to tell your friends about the Mission Bay Marlin Club.

Thanks again,

Scott Paul

MBMC President’s Message – June 2022

Greeting fellow members….where did the month go?!?! 

I hope this message finds you all well and you are all enjoying the approaching summer. Weather has been amazing and we all need to be out on the water!! 

It seems the summer is kicking off nicely with warm weather and great Bluefin Tuna fishing along the coast. Word has it that the better action is still below the border with some of the upper fish being tough to get to chew. Good and bad news for us southern fisher-people is that the fish seem to be in a steady march up and out. Time to get out there and strike while we can! An even better indication of what the summer holds would be the recent report of a Blue Marlin hooked on the 43. I don’t know if that’s any better indication of the chaos of what this year will bring.

****Late breaking news…apparently marlin are being seen inside the 267 during the afternoon (33.20/117.45). If you have not already gotten your Marlin gear tuned up, apparently now would be the time! It’s time to get out there and get that first flag for MBMC!

Special shout out to our May FOM winner Lou Hayden….apologies but I don’t know the details.

Special thank you goes out to John White for his presentation of the MBMC 2022 Tuna Seminar. Many informative tips and techniques were conveyed to all those that attended with a great venue and food. Also want to give a shout out to our dedicated board members that worked hard to make that happen.

Another great event took place this past weekend with the 2022 MBMC Tuna tournament. Despite favorable conditions there were no qualifying catches made. Of honorable mention was Billy Vitale’s 38.8 lb Halibut….way to go Billy! 

A reminder for this coming month….July 16th will be a Marlin Seminar at Bay Park Fish Co presented by yours truly. I am planning to convey some knowledge learned from some of the best of the best over the years. I don’t consider myself an expert by any means but am looking forward to sharing some little known tips and techniques that I have picked up over the years. I am hoping to make this an interactive seminar with all attendees sharing what “secrets” they have to allow for us all to improve our game. Please feel free to respond to this email with any topics they would like covered.

I would like to take a moment to welcome the following new and returning members….welcome aboard all! Currently, MBMC has approximately 75 members.

  • Ken SchillingJoint Venture, 32 Hatteras
  • Steve Galea – Parker 28
  • Richard EspositoLady Love , Skipjack 28
  • Emilio Lemeni  –  Fox Tail , Commander 25

That’s about it for now….heading out for some casting practice!

Tight lines and smooth seas,

Shane Hurt

MBMC President – 2022