Tuna Seminar Recap

Dear MBMC members,

Thank you to all the members that showed up for the tuna seminar on June 12.  It was a great turn out and fantastic venue. Thank you Ken Yasuda.

Sardina’s restaurant provided us with a private outdoor patio and excellent food. 

John White from Dana Landing provided us with the latest techniques and tackle for landing these finicky fish. There was a very informative question and answer session that followed. We want to thank Johnny for taking time out of his busy schedule to talk to us.  The best way to thank him is to support Dana Tackle Store. As most of you know they have a very friendly and knowledgeable staff.

A special thank you to Billy Vitale for all his hard work in securing excellent raffle prizes.  Top prize was a hard to get Carlson spreader bar. There were multiple poppers, trolling jigs and bait receiver gift certificates.  Most went home with something. 

Members please remember these events and raffles help support the club functions throughout the year. Let’s get out there and support YOUR club.

The tuna/yellowtail tournament is June 25th and 26th. If you haven’t signed up please do. These tournaments take a lot of hard work and time to put these together. Thank you to Kevin Yamamoto and Ray Fear for all their work to get this going. 

Once again thank you to everybody who put this event together and to those that showed up.  

Don’t miss the upcoming MBMC Marlin Seminar, Dinner, and Summer Social on Saturday, July 16, 2022, at Bay Park Fish Company. The guest speaker will be our own Shane Hurt

Tight lines,

Scott Paul


Hope you all have been tracking the bluefin reports lately!

The next tournament is the Tuna Tournament (w/ Yellowtail Side Pot) on June 25 & 26, 2022.   They have been taken a variety of ways with the sinker rigs and knife jigs being hot lately.  Fish are in U.S. as well as Mexican waters.  I would not advise fishing anything under 80#, with 100# line better.  A few bites on the Flyers as well as Madmacs and Spreader Bars.  Smaller yellowtail on kelps and those jumbo yellows are still around La Jolla.

The heaviest single Tuna caught will determine the winner in each angler division.  Also, the largest single yellowtail will take 100% of the Side Pot money.

  • Men’s Division – $150 + 100% Division Entry Payout
  • Women’s Division – $150 + 100% Division Entry Payout
  • Junior’s Division – $50 + 100% Division Entry Payout.

Top Boat shall be decided by the boat with the largest aggregate weight of their top 3 fish (Tuna & Yellowtail). Points for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place accumulate for Top Boat of the Year honors.

Click on these links to Entry Form and Rules, or on the website.  

Good Luck!  Hope to see you out there.

Kevin and Ray,

Tournament Co-chairs

Halibut/White Seabass Tournament Results

Thanks to the High Count Boyz, Steve Milligan and Bob Nelson as well as Ken Yasuda on the Encounter (Kayak fishing) for their participation in the Halibut/White Seabass Tournament.

Not the best of conditions out there with Southwind on Saturday.  They gave it their best, but no qualifying fish were weighed in. We will Raffle off the $50 Dana Landing Gift Card to the Participants at the next Social Event.

Save a place on your Calendar for the next two MBMC Events below:

  • June 12th – Tuna Seminar @ Sardina’s Restaurant with John White of Dana Landing Tackle
  • June  25 & 26 – MBMC Tuna Tournament / Yellowtail Side Pot (Entry / Rules to follow shortly).  Lots of Bluefin showing and kelp paddy yellowtail!

Ray Fear / Kevin Yamamoto

Tournament Chairs

MBMC President’s Letter – May 2022

Greetings fellow anglers, 

As always, I hope this message finds you well. I also hope you are finding some time in your busy schedules to get outdoors and enjoy some of this amazing weather we have been enjoying….preferably on the water. Despite some occasional wind, conditions seem to be looking up right on schedule.

To start this month’s letter off, I wanted to take a moment to thank one of our club members for a generous contribution to the club itself. A special thank you goes out to members Tim and Heidi McBride for their donation of $835.00 which the club will use towards one of the top prizes in their name for the yearly Marlin tournament. I would also like to wish the McBride’s the best of luck as they represent MBMC in the prestigious Hawaiian International Billfish Tournament (HIBT). Catch em up team!

Moving on, sorry to report that the April FOM award went unclaimed. I would expect some decent catches to be reported for this month as weather and fishing improves. The big fishing news currently centers around the Bluefin Tuna bite with scattered reports of quality grade fish coming from as close as the 9-mile bank and downward below the border. Spreader bars seem to be the hot ticket with fish also being taken on a variety of other offerings. 

The inshore bite sounds rather slow due to the recent wind and subsequent off colored water.

Upcoming Events

  • A reminder that this weekend, May 21st & 22nd will be this year’s MBMC Halibut & White Sea Bass tournament. Be sure to get your entries submitted and join in the fun!
  • Coming up in June, the club will be hosting a Tuna Seminar/dinner on June 12th with the very knowledgeable John White from Dana Landing coming out to share some tips and tactics to help us all put some fish in the boat. Don’t miss this event as we kick off the 2022 seminar series.
  • The MBMC Tuna tournament will take place on June 25th & 26th in what we are hoping to be an ideal window for some great competition making for a fun tournament. Mark your calendars!
  • More updates to come for July as the board discusses and finalizes planning! We are looking to combine this year’s Marlin seminar with a summer picnic which should be fun for all in attendance. Stay tuned for details….

As I try to wrap this up, I wanted to throw out a reminder to all members to send in your photos and fish reports to the club email (info@missionbaymarlinclub.org) so we can post your catches to social media and share your story with members.

Until next time….tight lines and flat seas.

Shane Hurt

MBMC President – 2022

Bay Bass Tournament Results

MBMC Members,

The 2022 Bay Bass Tournament is now official.  Great weather for Saturday and Sunday on the Bay.  An enjoyable San Diego Spring weekend to be out on the water.

Congratulations to the Hargraves for sweeping the awards!

  • Men’s Winner ($155)      Bob Hargraves – Radar
  • Women’s Winner ($30)   Donna Hargraves – Radar
  • Junior’s Winner ($10)      Brent Hargraves Jr. – Radar

We had a total of seven (7) Anglers.  Thank you all for your participation.

  • Mario Souza
  • Ken Yasuda
  • Kent Yamada
  • Bob Hargraves
  • Donna Hargraves
  • Brent Hargraves Sr.
  • Brent Hargraves Jr.

Catch stats were as follows:

  • Bob Hargraves – 15-1/2″ Spotted Sand Bass
  • Ken Yasuda – 15″ Spotted Sand Bass
  • Donna Hargraves – 14-3/4″ Spotted Sand Bass
  • Brent Hargraves Sr. – 14-1/4″ Spotted Sand Bass
  • Brent Hargraves Jr. – 14-1/4″ Spotted Sand Bass

Next year’s goal will be for a bigger and better Tournament.  I’ll have to add it to my Calendar to be sure and get in on the fun. Don’t forget, the MBMC Halibut / Whiteseabass Tournament is this month (May 21/22). In the meantime, there are bluefin to be chased, rockcod to be wound up, & yellowtail to keep an eye out for.

Have a great week.

Kevin Yamamoto

MBMC – Tournament Co-Chair