New Date For MBMC Awards Banquet

Greetings !

The MBMC Awards Banquet for 2021 angler and boat awards has been rescheduled for March, 26, 2022, at Andre’s restaurant in Bay Park. Those that were able to attend the Marlin seminar last year can attest to this venue having great accommodations with plenty of space for all those that wish to attend. We hope to see you all there! 

Members: $30/person / Jr. Members (16 yrs and under): Free
Non-Members: $30/person / 16 yrs and under non-members: $10/child

RSVP Deadline is Saturday, March 19, 2022.   Details are in a flyer sent to members.

Shane Hurt , MBMC President


Greetings fellow MBMC members,

I hope this message finds you all well as we start the new year. I am sure we are all worn out on every aspect of the ongoing Covid hiatus, but expect we are all making the best of it.

To start the year off, the board had a great kickoff meeting in anticipation of a year full of solid time on the water for all. Fishing has been productive for those wishing to venture out during the winter months. With Halibut in all the local spots outside Mission Bay.

Also available are the occasional Yellowtail bites off La Jolla. Sunny days with patience will open up the option for some top water action and YoYo’s on meter marks have also produced. The fish are out there and have had little to no pressure. Occasional shows of White Sea Bass (WSB) are being reported with fish being taken on fin bait and irons for those putting in the time.

I would like to reach back to November 2021 and congratulate FOM winner Kimmy Hughes on her winning 13 lb Ling Cod. Well done Kimmy! There were no qualifying catches for the December 2021 FOM and therefore went unclaimed.

Moving on to club business….first and foremost,  the club is looking for member support. We have a number of positions to fill for the 2022 Board of Directors. Please contact Ken, Billy or myself if you can spare a few hours per month to help out in taking care of the running of the club. The club is in desperate need of a bookkeeper/treasurer, so if you or someone you may know are able to take on that role it would be very much appreciated. Without the board, the club will not function as we all hope and expect it to.


MBMC 2021 Awards Banquet/Membership meeting – As previously reported, we decided to postpone this year’s awards banquet until March based on the recent Covid resurgence. With that, we wanted to let you know that the board has tentatively set a new date of Saturday, March 26th from 2PM to 5PM. This date is subject to change but that is currently the date we are working towards. We will also be drawing for the early bird membership award at that time with 48 members having qualified.

2022 Tournament/Event calendar – In the interest of giving all members as much advance notice as possible to schedule ahead, the MBMC board has put together some proposed dates for events throughout the year. The following dates are subject to change but we will be working towards them as best possible.

  • Awards Banquet/Membership meeting: March 26, 2022 (Saturday 2-5PM)
  • Bay Bass Tournament: April 23 & 24, 2022 (Sat/Sun)
  • Halibut & White Sea Bass Tournament: May 21 & 22, 2022 (Sat/Sun)
  • Yellowtail Tournament: June 25 & 26, 2022 (Sat/Sun)
  • Tuna Tournament: July 16 & 17, 2022 (Sat/Sun)
  • Summer Social Event: August 13, 2022 (Sat)
  • Month Long Marlin Tournament: Entire month of Sept 2022
  • MBMC Marlin Tournament: September 24 & 25, 2022 (Sat/Sun)
  • What’s Hot Tournament (Species TBD): October 22 & 23, 2022 (Sat/Sun)
  • Rock Cod/Ling Cod Tournament: November 19 & 20, 2022 (Sat/Sun)

…..we are hoping to have some solid member participation this year for what we all hope be great fishing!

I believe that about covers it for now. Wishing you all the best in health, prosperity and tight lines.

Shane Hurt

Awards Banquet Postponed!

Greetings fellow MBMC members,

It is with regret that I inform you the the MBMC board has made the decision to postpone this month’s Awards Banquet and ceremony scheduled for January 29, 2022. Based on the recent uptick of Covid-19 cases throughout the county, we feel it would be prudent to postpone the event to a later date to be determined. Our current plan is reschedule for some time in March of this year. 

A reminder that the membership early renewal deadline remains at Jan 22, 2022 to qualify for the early bird drawing.

In the meantime, a Happy New Year to all of you and I hope this message finds you all safe and healthy.

Wishing you all the best and look forward to seeing you all when conditions permit,

Shane Hurt

December 2021 President’s Message

Seasons Greetings to all club members,

I hope this message finds you well after a healthy and happy holiday. This time of year brings us to the end of another great fishing season. 

On the fishing front, I have little to report on the local fishery. Some local deep drop Swordfish have been reported but aside from that fishing has been standard for the winter. 

Special acknowledgement goes out to Jeff Zachery for a pair of fall Swordfish catches of 218 and 251 pounds!!  Well done Jeff!

Fish of the month for November remained unclaimed. 


The MBMC Awards Banquet for 2021 angler and boat awards is scheduled for January 29, 2022, at Andre’s restaurant in Bay Park. Those that were able to attend the Marlin seminar this year can attest to this venue having great accommodations with plenty of space for all those that wish to attend. We hope to see you all there! 

Members: $30/person / Jr. Members (16 yrs and under): Free
Non-Members: $30/person / 16 yrs and under non-members: $10/child

RSVP Deadline is Saturday, January 22, 2022.  Details are in the attached flyer.

One last reminder to All FOM participants: Any catch made with the intent to qualify for FOM must be caught on IGFA tackle and in accordance with those MBMC exceptions to IGFA rules listed in the MBMC Fishing Rules and Regulations

Wishing you all the happiest of New Years as we move into the new year.

Tight lines,

Shane Hurt

(MBMC President – 2021)

November President’s Message

Greetings fellow members!

As we move into the holiday season, I hope this message finds you all well. According to my Facebook posts it sounds like the fishing has slowed a bit as expected this time of year. Swordfish deep dropping has taken most of the limelight lately with a decent showing on local banks. 

Appears the big FOM winner for October was Jeff Meeker with a nice taco sized 3.6 lb Vermillion rockfish. Well done Jeff!

Important Announcements!

  • The 2021 MBMC awards banquet has been scheduled for Jan, 29th 2022 at Andre’s restaurant in Bay Park. Those that were able to attend the Marlin seminar this year can attest to this venue having great accommodations with plenty of space for all those that wish to attend. More details to come and we hope to see you all there!
    • Cost will be $30.00 for adults and $10.00 for juniors
  • Membership Renewals: You should be receiving renewal announcements soon if not already. The board has agreed to keep membership rates the same for the 2022 year.
    • Early Bird Renewals – Be sure to get your renewals sent in ASAP to qualify for the $200.00 Dana Landing raffle prize drawing! Deadline is Jan 22nd, 2022 .  The drawing will be held at the banquet on the Sat the 29th!

I think that’s all I have to report at the moment. On behalf of your 2021 MBMC Board, I would like to wish you all a safe and happy holiday season.

Warmest regards, 

Shane Hurt