President’s Message March 2020

Well it is time for the third and final message of the New Year from me. Ann and I have been busy going to NASCAR races over the past several weeks. Yes, we are “Closet Rednecks” that come out this time of the year.

The big event for the month was our annual Membership Meeting that was held on Saturday night February 29. Paul Himmelberger pinch hit for me and I understand he hit a homerun. Thanks for stepping up to run the meeting! The main agenda item for the meeting was to elect new members to the Board. The nominees to the Board this year were Trish Carlin (she was appointed not elected during the year) Micah Andersen, Shane Hurt, Bob Hargraves, Rafael Sanchez and Jarrad Gilbert. They were all unanimously elected. They along with the returning members of Shawn Kaus, Billy Vitale and Ken Yasuda will make up this year’s Board of Directors. Congratulations to all of them! This looks like an outstanding Board with a mix of members that I am sure will bring many new ideas to the Club. They will be meeting soon to select which Board positions each will occupy. I am sure they will announce their decision soon thereafter. I believe the Club will be in great hands with this outstanding leadership team. Minutes will be prepared, summarizing the meeting, and will be distributed to all members. After the formal meeting an outstanding Italian dinner was serviced followed by fun filled bingo games. Thanks to all that came and participated in the evening.

There was not a tournament in February so no one to congratulate this month. Weighmaster Billy Vitale was February’s Fish of the Month winner. He caught a nice 11.3 lb. halibut. He sure knows where they live. Congrats to Billy!!

I can’t say “So, until you hear from me next month” but I can say “Good fishing, tight Lines and following seas” because this will be my last President’s Message. I got to get really involved in the Club this past year and met a lot of new people, which is what the Club is all about PEOPLE. Look forward to seeing all of you at the events this coming year and out on the water. Dan Muslin …out.

REMINDER: Annual Membership Meeting Feb 29th

Our Annual Membership Meeting is on Saturday, February 29th at 5:00pm. Please RSVP to this post by Monday, Feb 24th. This meeting is required by the Club’s By Laws and we need to have a quorum, so please make every effort to attend.

When: Saturday, February 29; 5:00PM

Where: Marina Village, Room E-5, 1936 Quivira Way, San Diego, CA 9210

Cost: An Italian dinner will be served and drinks available. $10 for members, $15 for guests and kids under 16 free.

At this event we will be conducting the following business and more.

1.            Nominating and voting on the 2020 Board Members

2.            Presenting the 2019 financial numbers

3.            Handing out 2020 Membership Cards

There has been a call to the membership over the last several months expressing the need for additional Board members. At this time there are only 3 members that are running for the Board. The By Laws require 7 members. As you can see we are significant short of that number. If no one else is willing to serve, we are not sure if the Club can continue to function, and as a minimum, its viability could be jeopardized. So please consider volunteering for the Board.

As Members, we want to welcome one another, share a few laughs, and be a part of the Mission Bay Marlin Club business. BINGO IS BACK to kick off the  2020 Membership Meeting!

AND yes, there will clapping, booing and prizes for the BINGO winners! SEE YOU THERE!

Dan Muslin, President

MBMC Annual Membership Meeting and Bingo Night

We will be having our Annual Membership Meeting on Saturday, February 29rd at 5:00pm. This is a required meeting based on the Club’s By Laws. We need to have a quorum, so please make every effort to attend. Please RSVP by Feb 22nd.

Saturday, February 29; 5:00PM

Marina Village, Room E-5, 1936 Quivira Way, San Diego, CA 9210

An Italian dinner will be served and drinks available. $10 for members, $15 for guests and kids under 16 free.

At this event we will be conducting the following business and more.

1.            Nominating and voting on the 2020 Board Members

2.            Presenting the 2019 financial numbers

3.            Handing out 2020 Membership Cards

There has been a call to the membership over the last several months expressing the need for additional Board members. At this time there are only 3 members that are running for the Board. The By Laws require 7 members. As you can see we are significant short of that number. If no one else is willing to serve, we are not sure if the Club can continue to function, and as a minimum, its viability could be jeopardized. So please consider volunteering for the Board.

As Members, we want to welcome one another, share a few laughs, and be a part of the Mission Bay Marlin Club business. BINGO IS BACK to kick off the  2020 Membership Meeting!

AND yes, there will clapping, booing and prizes for the BINGO winners! SEE YOU THERE!

Dan Muslin, President

President’s Message February 2020

Well it is time for the second message of the new year. January was a busy month for me that flew by.

The big event for the month was our annual Awards Banquet (Oscar Night). For those that missed it you really missed a special evening. Wow! What an outstanding event with a fantastic new venue at the Southwestern Yacht Club and a beautiful setting for our banquet! We all felt like high-rollers. The food was excellent. It was great to see all the other members there and get to meet so many new folks. We all had a good time comparing fishing stories. The whole evening ran very smoothly starting with the presentation to the American Heart Association which is near to my heart. The Club donated all of the profits from the Heart Tournament. All the awards for the various tournaments, largest species, Fish of the Month, First Fish Flag were presented. Unfortunately, there were no Oscars presented because no qualifying marlin were caught. Hopefully this will be a better fishing season coming up. John Brudvik won the early bird membership prize and Dennis Hoehm Jr. won the largest species drawing. Congrats to both!

There was not a tournament in January so no one to congratulate this month. Tim Honick did connect with a 9.8 lb lingcod fishing on the Doghouse earlier in the month and it stood up to capture Fish of the Month honors. Congrats to Tim!

The Annual Membership Meeting is coming up on the last day of the month February 29. Based on this date, it looks like we only hold them every four years. It is a very important meeting where we select board members and you get to hear the status of the club. After the official meeting there will be a bingo night. Look for more information later this month but please save the evening.

Look for more information later this month but please save the evening. We have already had a couple new members join the Club this year. I would like to welcome Chad Glavis and Mario Souza to the Club. Hope to see you out on the water and at our events.

So, until you hear from me next month, good fishing, tight Lines and following seas, Dan Muslin

RSVP REMINDER for MBMC Awards Banquet

The 2020 Awards Banquet (Oscar Night) is quickly approaching – January 25th, at the Southwestern Yacht Club.

We need RSVPs to be submitted by Friday, January 17th, 2020 to ensure food selections. Please RSVP via email to Trish Carlin . Include the attached Menu Selection form (see attached form for details).

The banquet facilities at the yacht club have been recently remodeled and are very nice. This is a fantastic setting with views of Shelter Island and the city. It should be a lovely evening and a great time to socialize with other MBMC members! 

Looking forward to seeing you all there! Trish Carlin