President’s Message January 2020

Wow! It is the start of a new decade. I hope everyone had a fantastic Holiday Season. Sorry my message is a little late, but I have had an interesting time this past month.

If you are reading this and have not sent in your 2020 membership renewal, you have missed out on the chance to win the Early Bird Raffle for a TRANX reel, which will be given away at the Annual Awards Banquet. You still have the month of January to get in your 2020 membership renewal so you can be included in the very useful Member’s Directory. Let’s see if we can increase our membership over the 2019 where we had just a little over 100 members.

There was not a tournament in December so no one to congratulate this month. John White did connect with a nice 19.8# yellowtail earlier in the month and it stood up to capture Fish of the Month honors. Congrats to John! Since we have not had a social event for the last couple of months the FOM winners for September through December will be presented their awards at the Awards Banquet.

Speaking of the 2020 Awards Banquet (Oscar Night), I want to remind you that it is set for January 25th at the Southwestern Yacht Club. The committee is well on its way in planning an awesome evening. This is a fantastic setting with views of Shelter Island and the city. Please set this evening aside. Please RSVP by January 17th so we can plan for the dinner.

We have had an outstanding Board of Directors team this year but a few of them will not be able to continue in 2020. We will need more members on the Board next year so the Club can operate efficiently. New members with new thoughts and talents will enhance the Club, so I am asking all of you to consider being on the Board for 2020. The reward you get from seeing the Club and its membership grow is extremely gratifying. Please contact any Board member to let us know if you have any interest in contributing to the Club.

So, until you hear from me next month, good fishing, tight lines and following seas, Dan Muslin

REMINNDER: Last day for Early Bird Membership Renewal

Membership applications were mailed out several weeks ago. Today is the deadline to join or renew MBMC membership to be eligible for Early Bird drawing prize of a $300 reel . You can either re-new on-line through the Club’s website or send your renewal in via mail. Early Bird Memberships must either be processed on-line or postmarked before midnight December 31, 2019.

Also a reminder that the 2020 Awards Banquet (Oscar Night) will be held on January 25th at the Southwestern Yacht Club. It should be a lovely evening and a great time to socialize with other MBMC members! This is a fantastic setting with views of Shelter Island and the city. Invites were mailed out earlier this month. Please mail RSVP to Trish Carlin as soon as possible to facilitate planning.

Wishing a Prosperous, Healthy, and Happy New Year to all! Don’t let the ball drop before you renew.


First off with the Holidays rapidly approaching, on behalf of the Club, I want to wish everyone a Happy Holiday Season and health and happiness in the new year.

We emailed everyone the flyer for the Annual Awards Banquet a little over a week ago and have now followed up with a hard copy mailer which you should receive in the next couple of days. It would be great, if you plan to attend, to RSVP as soon as possible because it makes the planning for the event go so much more smoothly. No excuses. It will be a fantastic event at a wonderful location. Look forward to seeing all of you there.

Don’t forget to get your membership renewals in by the end of the month to qualify for an awesome early bird reel raffle prize. You can either sign up through the website or mail in your application. Don’t be late.

As of right now the current Fish of the Month leader is John White with a 19.8# yellowtail. A really nice fish for December.

Again I want to reach out to you to consider being on the Board next year. A few of the members will not be able to return and we need to replace them. The more members we have sure makes the Club run smoother.

So until you hear from me in January Tight Lines and Following Seas to all. Dan Muslin

2020 Annual Awards Banquet, MBMC Oscar Night!

The 2020 Awards Banquet (Oscar Night) will be held on January 25th at the Southwestern Yacht Club. It should be a lovely evening and a great time to socialize with other MBMC members! This is a fantastic setting with views of Shelter Island and the city.   Click on  Oscar Night  flyer for details.  Per the flyer announcement, please RSVP via email to Trish Carlin and include the Menu Selection Form .  RSVP Deadline is Friday, January 17th, 2020.  Looking forward to seeing you all there! Trish Carlin

President’s Message December 2019

Hi everyone, it’s that time of the month again when you hear from me on what’s been going on with the Club. Again, the month did not start off so well. For the second month in a row we had to cancel our social event, this time Bingo Night, due to the lack of RSVPs. Normally this is a well-attended function. I hope this is not a trend for the future because we have been enjoying well attended events through out the year up until now.

At the last Board meeting the financial aspects of the Heart Tournament were discussed. This was one of the most successful tournaments from a financial aspect, not from a fishing point of view, we have had in numerous years. This is all thanks to the awesome donations we received, tournament entrants and the amount of raffle tickets your bought. Thanks to all of you. Based on this success and the excellent financial status of the Club the Board has decided to donate all the profits from the Tournament to the American Heart Association. We will present a check to them in the amount of $7,000 at our awards banquet.

Usually at this point in my message I welcome new members but instead I want to reiterate that the new/renewal membership announcement went out a couple of weeks ago. There is a slight increase in the annual dues for the primary member as well as for Fish of the Month. The Board believes that the enhanced benefits the Club is planning will more than compensate for this minor increase. To get in on the early bird membership prize of a $300 reel you will need to get your membership in by January 1, 2020. We will also be publishing the Club directory and to ensure you are included in that you will need to have your membership in by January 30, 2020. This past year I believe the Club improved significantly in both activities and membership. I anticipate the trend to continue in 2020. You can either re-new on-line through the Club’s website, the glitch has been fixed, or send your renewal in via mail.

There was not a tournament in November so no one to congratulate but fishing on the last day of the month in a halibut tournament Donna Hargraves fishing on her boat Radar caught two yellowtail with the largest being 15.8# to win November’s Fish of the Month. Congratulations to Donna and the crew of the Radar. Since we have not had a social event for the last couple of months the FOM winners for September through December will be presented their awards at the awards banquet.

Speaking of the 2020 Awards Banquet (Oscar Night) I want to remind you that it is set for January 25th at the Southwestern Yacht Club. The committee is well on its way in planning an awesome evening. This is a fantastic setting with views of Shelter Island and the city. Please set this evening aside and look for further announcements in the future. Still time so go out and catch some award-winning fish.

We have had an outstanding Board of Directors team this year but a few of them will not be able to continue in 2020. We will need more members on the Board next year so the Club can operate efficiently. New members with new thoughts and talents will enhance the Club, so I am asking all of you to consider being on the Board for 2020. The reward you get from seeing the Club and its membership grow is extremely gratifying. Please contact any Board member to let us know if you have any interest in contributing to the Club.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving with your family and friends and want to wish everyone one of you a joyous Holiday Season and healthy New Year! So, until you hear from me next month, good fishing, tight Lines and following seas, Dan Muslin