“What’s Hot Tournament Results”

Greetings to all. The What’s Hot Tournament (Tuna) was October 26 & 27 and we didn’t have any fish weighed. This is the last tournament for this year. We will notify the anglers soon as to what is going to happen with the entry fees. Thank you all for fishing the tournaments this year and for the opportunity to serve as Tournament Director. I hope to see you all soon. Have a great day, Shawn Kaus

President’s Message – October 2019

Hi everyone, it’s that time of the month again when you hear from me on what’s been going on with the Club. Well the month did not start off too good. We had to cancel the meeting set for the 19th due to lack of RSVPs. We only had 8. Harold, from Custom Marine Electronics, said that he would come next year to make a presentation on the latest in electronics so hopefully that will work out. For this month we will be having our very popular Bingo Night on Nov 16th (see flyer for details). Billy has promised to get some fabulous prizes for the winners. Look for the formal announcement in the next couple of days and please RSVP early so we have an accurate head count.

October’s What’s Hot (tuna) Tournament turned out to be not so hot. The Tournament Director felt that there would be lots of tuna caught but none were weighed in, even though there were plenty around, but they must have had lockjaw. The Board will be deciding on what to do with the two months’ worth of entry fees at our next meeting and will let you know the outcome.

October Fish of the Month winner was Ken Yasuda with a 35.2# yellowfin tuna fishing on his boat, Encounter. Ken sure knows how to find the big ones. Congrats to Ken and the Encounter!

Usually at this point in my message I welcome new members but instead I want to mention the new/renewal membership announcement is just around the corner for 2020. It will be sent out about the middle of the month. There will be a slight increase in the annual dues for the primary member as well as for Fish of the Month. The Board believes that the enhanced benefits the Club is planning will more than compensate for this minor increase. To get in on the early bird membership prize of a $300 reel you will need to get your membership in by January 1, 2020. We will also be publishing the Club directory and to ensure you are included in that you will need to have your membership in by January 30, 2020. This past year I believe the Club improved significantly in both activities and membership. I anticipate the trend to continue in 2020.

We have had an outstanding Board of Directors team this year and want the Club to grow. We can always use more members with new thoughts and talents, so I am asking all of you to consider being on the Board for 2020. The reward you get from seeing the Club and its membership grow is extremely gratifying. Please contact any Board member to let us know if you have any interest in contributing to the Club.

Speaking of 2020 I want to let you know that our annual awards banquet, Oscar Night, is set for January 25th at the Southwestern Yacht Club. This is an awesome setting with views of Shelter Island and the city. Please set this evening aside and look for further announcements in the future. Still time so go out and catch some award-winning fish.

One final note, there has been some confusion on the Club’s mailing address. It has been confirmed that it is: Mission Bay Marlin Club, 2590 Ingraham St., Suite B, San Diego, CA 92109. This is the address that is listed on the website.

So, until you hear from me next month, good fishing, tight Lines and following seas and a Very Happy Thanksgiving to all, Dan Muslin


The MBMC “What’s Hot” Tournament is coming up on October 26th and 27th. Targeted species is – TUNA(Yellowfin, Bluefin, and Bigeye) There were no fish weighed in for the month long marlin tournament, so the money rolls over into this tournament. That should be incentive for all of you! Links to entry form and rules.

Hope to see you on the water! Shawn Kaus, Tournament Director