The MBMC “What’s Hot” Tournament is coming up on October 26th and 27th. Targeted species is – TUNA(Yellowfin, Bluefin, and Bigeye) There were no fish weighed in for the month long marlin tournament, so the money rolls over into this tournament. That should be incentive for all of you! Links to entry form and rules

Hope to see you on the water! Shawn Kaus, Tournament Director

Gene Grimes Memorial “ILTT” Light Tackle Tournament

The San Diego Marlin Club has asked us to announce the Gene Grimes Memorial “ILTT” Light Tackle Tournament!!! (ILTT flyer link). This is the oldest fishing tournament in San Diego. This year they are bringing back the Tuna division (in addition to the Marlin division) and have over $15,000 in prizes up for grabs.  This is a very worthy event that supports a great cause, with a portion of the proceeds benefitting Rady’s Children’s Hospital!!! 

Please consider entering. It is just so much fun when MBMC anglers can show ’em all how it’s done.