Yellowtail Tournament Results

Hello Everyone, The Yellowtail Tournament finished up yesterday and here are the results. We had six boats and eighteen anglers competing. The biggest fish was caught by Junior angler Dennis Hoehn and weighed 15.8 lb aboard the boat Andromeda’s Hope. The winner of the Men’s Division was Bob Nelson with a 12.6 lb Yellowtail on the Carly Rose. There were no fish weighed by the ladies so the money will rollover into next month’s Tuna Tournament. Top Boat Andromeda’s Hope 3pts followed by the Carly Rose in second with 2pts. Hope you all enjoyed the time fishing the Tournament. Tight Lines Shawn

REMINDER to RSVP for JULY 13 Seminar

Dine,chat and enjoy our special GUEST SPEAKER – Rick Maxa, aka “Rockcod Rick”, Co-owner of Fisherman’s Landing Tackle and Co-host of the radio show “Let’s Talk Hookup”. He will be talking about the techniques to catch tuna especially with poppers, iron and jigs. This is his passion and specialty. It is a don’t miss opportunity to learn from one of the best.

We will also have another fabulous MBMC raffle. Seminar includes dinner,  water & soft drinks. Beer and wine (by donation).

WHERE: The Marina Village Deli •WHEN: July 13th, 4:00 PM with Rick Maxa, 5:00 PM Dinner •$10 Members, $15 Guest, Kids (16 and under) are FREE

Please RSVP by end of today , July 8th to . Dan Muslin, President


Hi everyone, it’s that time of the month again when you hear from me on what’s been going on with the Club. Some of the members I know have been out fishing during this past month. There has been a very good halibut bite down in the Imperial Beach area. Also, the Rockcod seem to be biting pretty good. Oh, you thought I forgot about all the bluefin tuna out there. Trust me I did not forget. There is a tremendous amount of bluefin around within 40 miles of Mission Bay. The tough part has been getting them to bite. Even if they don’t bite what a spectacular show they put on when they come to the surface and feed. Hope you get out there and catch a bunch of them.

On June 22 we held the Ladies/Juniors Triple Bs Tournament. While participation was lower than we expected the prizes were not. Team Radar took all the awards and prizes. Brent Hargraves won the Junior’s Division with a 2.2 lb. Spotted Bay Bass. He won a very nice Penn Rod and Reel Combo. Donna Hargraves won the Women’s Division with a 2.6 lb. Sand Bass and since the money from the Halibut/White Seabass tournament rolled over to this tournament she received a nice gift card to Dana Landing. Well now that summer is underway hopefully, we have a good turnout for the Yellowtail Tournament this month. Good Luck everyone!

The next day we held our fabulous Luau party! It was well attended with well over 40 folks there to enjoy the afternoon. I wish the weather would have been nicer though. We started off with socializing and drinking. The more we drank Larry’s Mai Tais the more we socialized. He won’t give up his secret formula for those. Thanks Larry! During this time Shane Hurt conducted a casting contest for all to participate. Looks like we call could use some practice. Lots of backlashes. The winners were Billy Vitale and Aileen Sanchez. We know Aileen played by the rules but there is a rumor floating around that Billy used the juniors spinning outfit. Just kidding Billy. Thanks Shane, for doing an outstanding job! Next up was the Polynesian Dancers. They put on a very nice performance that hopefully everyone enjoyed. I know Paul and Jerry did. Following the dancers, we enjoyed another outstanding Hawaiian meal provided by Ranch Catering and to close out the afternoon we had a fabulous raffle!

June Fish of the Month winner was Sean Burke. During most of the month Bob Nelson held the lead with an outstanding 38.6 lb. yellowtail. At least Bob has the largest yellowtail to date. Sean caught the 80 lb. Bluefin tuna on the Encounter. That boat sure knows how to do it right!

This month’s meeting/seminar will be on July 13th. Rick Maxa will be our guest speaker. You have already received the flyer for the event so hopefully you plan to attend and please don’t forget to RSVP.  July 20-21 will be the Yellowtail Tournament (entry & rules). There are plenty of them out there so hopefully we will get a good turnout for the event.

Preparation for the Heart Tournament is progressing well. We will again, make this the biggest marlin tournament in San Diego. Donations letters went out this month to last year’s donors. Hopefully they will respond again. I again ask you to approach people you know that might be willing to donate prizes for our huge raffle. This is where the bulk of the donated money comes from, so please try and help. Letters to our members will go out later this month so please be looking for them.

I would like to welcome a couple new members to the Club that joined in June, Charles Wittenber, Chris Schragner and Bassam Massaad. It is great to see our membership grow throughout the year! We are now well over the century mark. I hope Charles, Chris and Bassam will take full advantage of all the Club has to offer. Hope to see them at our events and on the water.

So, until you hear from me next month, good fishing! Tight Lines and Following Seas, Dan Muslin