Hi everyone, it’s that time of the month again when you hear from me on what’s been going on with the Club. I know it is a few days late but wanted to include results from Halibut/WSB tournament held this past weekend. Well not too much as far as fishing goes thanks mostly to the poor weather conditions we had during the month. So not much to report there unless you want a trout report from the Sierras where Ann and I spent a week fishing. Pretty good I must say.

I want to start off with the news that Kent Yamada has resigned from the Board due his limited time available to put in the effort that was needed. I want to thank him for all his enthusiasm and work he has given to the Club. We are all better off thanks to him. I am sure he will get back involved in the future when time permits. Trish Carlin made it known that she wanted to help with the Club. The members of the Board have selected her to the Board. Trish and her husband have been active members of the Club for numerous years and she will be a tremendous asset to the Board and Club. Welcome aboard Trish!

On May 11th we held our monthly meeting/seminar. For those that attended you got a fantastic big tuna fishing presentation by Jeff “Zack” Zachry and another outstanding dinner. For those of you that missed it you “really missed it”. Zack brought all the “stuff” that is needed to kite fish for these tuna. He had everything from the kite, balloons, rods, reels, line and terminal tackle. He showed us how to rig up, troll and fight the fish. Thanks, Zack, for sharing your knowledge and experience with us. It was another good turnout for the meeting, and we appreciate all the RSVPs we get. If you are not able to attend, please let us know because we are having to pay for your dinner which is costing you and the Club money.

One thing I thought I would mention since I am in the middle of doing it as well, is making sure all your tackle is ready to go and you don’t have to be burning the midnight oil the night before you want to go fishing. It reminds me of the saying I used to use when I raced cars “you have a month and the night before the race to get ready”. Don’t be a procrastinator.

May Fish of the Month was Billy Vitale for the second time this year, fishing on his boat “Sure Thing”, with an 11.5 lb Yellowtail. He caught the fish early in the month and had to wait a long time until the end of the month to be declared the winner. Looks like he will be doing a lot more tackle shopping with his gift cards. Congrats to Billy!

June is going to be a busy month. Hope good weather will bring improved fishing of all types. We started off the month this past weekend with the postponed Halibut/White Seabass Tournament. We had 7 boats, with 18 anglers (13 males, 3 females and 2 juniors). Fishing was a little slow, but some fish were caught. Top male was Tim Honick with a 9.6 lb halibut, top junior was Jeff Ring with a 5.2 lb halibut and top boat went to Doghouse with 21.8 lbs of halibut. Sorry to say no fish were weighed in by any of the ladies. I am glad to see the improved participation in this tournament and hope the trend continues.

Next up will be the Triple Bs Tournament exclusive for ladies and juniors to be held on June 22nd. This is a one-day tournament focused on bass, bonito and barracuda. I would like for you to please try and take a kid fishing as they are the future of our sport. The next day will be a fantastic Luau. You won’t want to miss this one. There will be an outstanding Hawaiian meal served, and Larry Oberti’s fantastic Mai Tai’s will be available. We will have an outstanding raffle and will present the awards for the ‘Fish of the Month’, Halibut/WSB and the Triple Bs tournament.

Preparation for the Heart Tournament is progressing well. We will again, make this the biggest marlin tournament in San Diego. Donations letters will go out this month and I again ask you to approach people you know that might be willing to donate prizes for our huge raffle. This is where the bulk of the donated money comes from, so please try and help.

I would like to welcome a couple new members to the Club that joined in May, Rock Rochmes and David Gregg. It is great to see the membership grow throughout the year. We have now exceeded the century mark. I hope Rock and David will take full advantage of all the Club has to offer. Hope to see them at our events and on the water.

So, until you hear from me next month, good fishing.   Tight Lines and Following Seas, Dan Muslin

Halibut / White Seabass Tournament Results

Seven 7 boats fished the tournament, with 18 anglers (13 males, 3 females and 2 juniors). Fishing was a little slow, but some fish were caught. Top male was Tim Honick with a 9.6 lb halibut, top junior was Jeff Ring with a 5.2 lb halibut and top boat went to Doghouse with 21.8 lbs of halibut.  Unfortunately no tournament fish were weighed in by a woman angler.

May Fish of the Month Winner

For the second time this year Billy Vitale, fishing on his boat “Sure Thing”, won the May FOM award with an 11.5 lb Yellowtail. He caught the fish early in the month and, with baited breath, had to wait until the end of the month to be declared the winner. Congrats to Billy.