Rockcod/Lingcod Tournament Results

Top Male was Dan Carlin 6.2lb Rockfish, Top Women was Trish Carlin with a 4.2lb Rockfish, and Top Junior was Brent Hargraves with a 2.1 Rockfish. The Ling Cod jackpot went to Dan Carlin with a 2.8lb Lingcod. The Top Boat was Dive Inn with a 16.4 total (3pts), Second place was High Count with a 13.2lb (2pts) and Third place went to Carly Rose with a 9.4lb (1pt). Congratulations to all the winners and look forward to seeing what this month’s Halibut and White Seabass Tournament brings in. Good luck everyone! Tournament Director Shawn Kaus

President’s Message May 2019

Here is a little update on what’s going on with your club. This month has just flown by. You know what they say, “time flies by when you get older”. I can sure attest to that.

We started the month with April’s Fools Day. I read an article in The Log about the City wanting boat owners that had boats over 50 feet to let low income folks be part owners in your boat or something like that. I did fall for that one.

April 13th brought around another meeting/seminar. This one was not originally scheduled but based on the success of the March one we decided to keep the ball rolling. John White, General Manager of Dana Landing, gave an outstanding presentation on halibut and white seabass fishing. He discussed tackle requirements, baits and where to look for them. He also graciously donated the tackle he brought for his demonstrations to our raffle. The evening was a huge success with over 40 people in attendance including many junior anglers.

Next up social function is our May 11th meeting/seminar. Jeff Zachry will be our guest speaker. He will be talking about how to fish for bluefin tuna using the kite. If his presentation is anywhere near as good as the one, he gave last year you won’t want to miss it. I am going to try and talk a “mystery guest” into talking about “popper techniques” for the BFT. Mexican food will be served even though the event is after Cinco de Mayo. All the details have been posted on the website and emailed to you. Hope to see all of you there and please RSVP if you plan to attend.

Tournament report for the 2019 Rockcod/Lingcod Tournament from Tournament Director, Shawn Kaus:

Top Male was Dan Carlin with a 6.2lb Rockfish, Top Women was Trish Carlin with a 4.2lb Rockfish, and Top Junior was Brent Hargraves with a 2.1 Rockfish. The Ling Cod jackpot went to Dan Carlin with a 2.8lb Lingcod. The Top Boat was Dive Inn with a 16.4 total (3pts), Second place was High Count with a 13.2lb (2pts) and Third place went to Carly Rose with a 9.4lb (1pt). Congratulations to all the winners. Thanks, Shawn.

Next tournament will be the Halibut/White Seabass Tournament on May 18th and 19th. I know there was at least one really nice white seabass around along with some others that were reported by a diver friend of mine. I’m sure there are some nice halibut out there also. So please take the opportunity and sign up and fish in this tournament. You make the tournaments successful.

Looking ahead to June we will have the Women’s/Juniors Triple Bs Tournament on June 22nd and a Luau the next day on the 23rd. We plan to award the Triple Bs prizes at the Luau. So, mark your calendars for these upcoming events. I hinted at it above about a really nice white seabass being caught. Trish Carlin won April’s Fish of the Month honors with a 51.4# white seabass she caught aboard her and Dan’s boat the “Dive Inn”. See a picture of her and the fish on the website. Nice going and congratulations!

Membership has been growing steadily throughout the year. We now have 98 members. This is just fantastic. If you look at the participation in our last meeting/seminar we had over 40% attendance. Percentage wise this is awesome!! If you know someone who you think might want to join, bring them to our next meeting. I’m sure they will be hooked. Speaking of new members, I would like to mention and welcome our new members that joined in March and April. They are Ryan Kohler, Bradley Messmer, Marcel Messmer, Craig Simes, Brittany Negron, Rob Schreiber, Suzy Schreiber, Aaron Gonzalez, Lou Hayden and Justin Bettenni.

HELP NEEDED!!! The Board is well on the way preparing for the Heart Tournament. We are looking for volunteers to help organize and put on this great event. There is process that has been developed over the years for this signature event. We are looking for help in several capacities, from Chairman to mailings to swag bag stuffers. Please let us know if you would like to help in any capacity, we would love to hear from you. There are many of us that will assist, as a wise man once said, ‘Many hands make light work!’

So, until you hear from me next month Tight Lines and Following Seas, Dan Muslin

Join Us! May 11th Meeting/Seminar

Dine,chat and enjoy our special GUEST SPEAKER – Jeff Zachry, aka “Zack” is a member and owns the “Fire Escape”. He will be talking about the techniques to catch Bluefin Tuna using the kite. He has caught numerous BFT over 100# during the past several years, so this is a don’t miss meeting.

Entry forms will be also available for the Halibut/White Seabass Tournament. We will also have another fabulous MBMC raffle.

We have arranged with the Marina Village Deli for an all inclusive Mexican Dinner of Chicken Enchiladas, Beef Fajitas, water, & soft drinks. Beer and wine (by donation).

  • WHERE: The Marina Village Deli (See map)
  • WHEN: May 11th, 4:00 PM with Jeff Zachry, 5:00 PM Dinner
  • $10 Members, $15 Guest, Kids (16 and under) are FREE

Please RSVP by May 6th to .  Use May Meeting in the subject line.

Southwestern Yacht Club Bottom Fishing Tournament

The Southwestern Yacht Club Bottom Fishing Tournament is their big event for the year. It will be held on May 4th. Many of our members have fished it in the past and done extremely well. I would like to encourage as many of you as possible to fish in it. It is a fun but competitive event. I believe the more we participate in other club’s tournaments the more they will fish in our Heart Tournament which is a win-win for everyone.  SWYC Bottom Fishing Entry Form. Tight Lines – Dan Muslin