Oops L-line March 2025


The Mission Bay Marlin Club Annual Membership Meeting will be held March 15, 2025, at Sardinas Restaurant from 2-5pm. Food will be complimentary.  As always Ray Fear will put together another great raffle. This will be a very important meeting for the future of the club. We will elect new members to the Board of Directors. As stated in the February 20, 2025, email – if there are not enough volunteers to serve as Board members and fill all vacant Board positions, the club will cease to exist at the end of this year.

FYI- MBMC has a new mailing address:

Mission Bay Marlin Club
5663 Balboa Ave, #456
San Diego, CA.  92111-2705

Fish Report – Fishing has been mainly deep. Whether you are calico, sand bass or rock cod fishing. Water has been cold and the wind has been generally up.

Remember rock cod fishing is closed in US waters until 4/1/25. If you are fishing Mexican waters, make sure to have all your permits. This includes the DFG importation document.

No fish were weighed for February Fish of the Month.  The reel will be raffled off at the membership meeting.

The Annual Mission Bay Marlin Club Awards Banquet was held at Tom Hams’ Lighthouse on February 15, 2025. Seventeen members were treated to a delicious dinner of salmon, ribs, or chicken. A scrumptious German chocolate cake was served for dessert and artfully decorated with a hand-drawn boat and fisherman catching a marlin. 

Jimmy Valentine , a member since 1974 won the early bird drawing for those who renewed membership by February 1st. Kevin Yamamoto handed out the 2024 Fishing Awards following the dinner. Many thanks to Kevin for putting together the Oscars and their plaques. 

Below are the MBMC AWARDS for 2024

Fish of the Month Awards

January Kevin Yamamoto 7 lb. Rockcod (Grouper)***
February Chris Bailey 71.6 lb. White Seabass***
March Pat Holmes 23.2 lb. Yellowtail***
April  Tim Honick 7.6 lb. Lingcod
May Paul Himmelberger 6 lb. Rockcod (Red)
June NONE   
July Jim Kelley 41.2 lb. Seabass
August John Brudvik 146 lb. Bluefin***
September Chris Bailey Marlin Release (130pts.)
October Nick Kane 18 lb. Yellowfin***
November NONE 
December Ken Yasuda 12.6 lb. Lingcod***
 *** Largest Species 


Species  Size  Angler
Halibut 37.2 lb. Jim Kelley
Lingcod 12.6 lb. Ken Yasuda
Marlin 122.6 lb. Paul Himmelberger
Rockfish 7 lb. Kevin Yamamoto
Bluefin 146 lb. John Brudvik
Yellowfin 18 lb. Nick Kane
White Seabass 71.6 lb. Chris Bailey
Yellowtail 23.2 lb. Pat Holmes
Spotted Bay Bass 15-3/4″ Ken Yasuda


John Brudvik   146 lb. Bluefin Tuna



  • 1st Release of year
  • 1st SOLO release  
  • 1st Skiff release   
  • 1st Men’s 30 lb. release  


  • 1st Women’s 30 lb. Release


  • 1st Captured Marlin 121 lb.

Kevin Yamamoto on “ENCOUNTER”

  • 1st Men’s 50 lb. Release
  • 1st Men’s 80 lb. Release


  • 1st Men’s 20 lb. Release
  • Last Marlin (Release) of 2024



Hope to see everybody at the membership meeting Saturday March 15th at 2;00pm..

Hope everybody has a great year of fishing.
Scott Paul


Happy New Year from the Board. Wishing you all a happy and healthy year. 

Fishing has been dominated by rock codding. Yellowtail off La Jolla have been showing occasionally. Rock Cod fishing is closed in US waters till April 2025. Make sure you have the proper documents for fishing Mexican waters. Fish and Game has been checking.

The Mission Bay Marlin Club Annual Awards Banquet is February 15, 2025, to be held at Tom Ham’s Lighthouse at 5:00 pm.  This is a great event in a beautiful setting honoring the angling accomplishments of the 2024 fishing season.  Please RSVP by February 8, 2025 (Details in link sent via email). Cost is $60.00 for adults and $15.00 for children (16 and under).

Remember the 2025 Early Bird membership renewal deadline is February 1st. The Early Bird drawing will be held at the Awards Banquet on February 15th. Please renew by March 1st as this will be the cutoff date for the 2025 directory to go to print.

The MBMC Annual Membership Meeting will be held March 15th at Sardina’s Restaurant from 2:00-5:00 pm. As you all know this is a very important meeting for the club. We need to elect a new president as well as add two more board members.  Of course, there will be a generous Raffle put together by board member Ray Fear. Save the date. Details to follow.

Future tournaments with date to be determined:

  • Rock cod tournament will be held in April
  • Bay Bass tournament will be held in May.

Fish of the Month went to Ken Yasuda on the Encounter with a 12.6-pound lingcod. Congratulations Ken!

Finally, the Dana Landing Fuel Dock will be removing all non-member phone numbers for fuel discount from their list on March 1, 2025.  Make sure you renew your membership by March 1 to remain current on the list and ensure uninterrupted access to this valuable MBMC benefit.

Wishing everybody a great year on the water,
Scott Paul

Oops Line December 2024

Season’s Greetings!

Well Santa has blessed us with great weather the last couple of weeks. There have been a few larger yellowtail models coming off La Jolla. Other than that it has been rock cod, rock cod, rock cod.

The month of November saw no fish weighed in for fish of the month. Let’s get out there and win a reel.

There will be a nice reel raffled off for upcoming Early Bird Membership Registration/Renewal. The deadline for Early Bird is February 1, 2025. Lets get signed up!  The reel will be raffled off at the MBMC Awards Banquet to be held February 15, 2025,  at Tom Ham’s Restaurant.  Mark your calendars!

March 15th, 2025, will be our important Annual Membership Meeting. This will also include a seminar and raffle.  Stay tuned for details and location. The membership meeting will elect new board members. Remember we still need a new president and an additional board member.  We have asked for volunteers before without success. We are at a critical point with the club. We need your help.

This Saturday, December 7th will be our last seminar of the year. This will be a very casual meeting with questions and answers from Kenny Schilling. Kenny has many fishing experiences to share with us. The Seminar will be at Marina Village Dock House Grill (the Deli) on Guivira Way. Food will be served from 1-3 pm. The food will be comped by the MBMC. Ray Fear has put together another great raffle for us. Come join us for some friendship and fish stories.

The Rock Cod tournament will be held April 5th and 6th 2025. The Bay Bass tournament will be held April 26th and 27th 2025. Watch for future flyers with more details.

Don’t forget to purchase your Mission Bay Marlin Club T-Shirts. They make great stocking stuffers.

Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Warmest Regards,
Scott Paul

Oops-line November 2024

Hello MBMC Members!

As water temperatures continue to drop, fishing has shifted to rock codding and harvesting lobsters. Tuna had been seen recently and a few were caught under dolphin, but have not been seen in the last couple of weeks. Swordfish were being caught off the west end of the nine mile bank, but this also seems to have dried up.

The 2024 Jerry & Roy Lively Month Long MarlinTournament winner for this year was Kevin Yamamoto. He released a marlin on 9/11/24 to score 150 points. Paul Himmelberger was runner up with a 122 pound marlin weighed in on 9/24 that was good for 122 points.  Both marlin were caught on Ken Yasuda’s Encounter, making it top boat. On 10/20/24 Dan Muslin released a marlin on his boat ‘To The Limit’ with Ann Thompson at the helm. He was able to land the fish on 20 pound test. Great job!!!

Another notable catch was a 164# swordfish caught on the ‘Hawk’. Micah Anderson was the angler with Captain Pat Holmes and Shaun Kaus. Great job and patience on the deep drop guys! 

Nick Kane captured FOM prize for his 18# yellowfin tuna caught off a pod of dolphin. He won a Daiwa Saltist Reel for his effort. The

Rockcod/Lingcod Tournament scheduled for November 16-17 is cancelled and will be moved to February 2025. Watch oops line for an update on the exact date and time.

December 7th will be our final seminar for 2024. This will be a social gathering with Ken Schilling giving us his experience and knowledge of his fishing adventures. Time will be set aside for Q and A with Ken. This will be held at the Marina Village Deli from 1:00- 5:00. Food will be served from 1-3 only. Burgers, fries and a drink for ten dollars. A raffle will also be held.  RSVP IS NEEDED BY NOVEMBER 30TH. IF WE DO NOT HAVE 20 PEOPLE WE WILL HAVE TO CANCEL.

Early bird membership renewal forms will be going out the first week of December.  FYI – Dana Landing will start purging out all phone numbers that are not current members beginning in March. Don’t forget to renew your membership or your tackle and fuel discounts will no longer be valid.

Save the dates:

  • Awards Banquet February 22, 2025 at Tom Ham’s restaurant.
  • Annual Membership meeting March 2025.

We still have MBMC Tee Shirts available. These make great stocking stuffers. Please contact Jim at : info@missionbaymarlinclub.org

With winter upon us it’s a good time to check all the safety gear on your boats. Do your maintenance now so when spring fishing begins you’re out on the water and not stuck at the ramp or dock. 

Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving!

Scott Paul


Hello Members!

Heavy fog has been with us close to 3 weeks now. Water temperature had dropped in some areas up to 6 degrees. October has seen some nice yellowfin caught off the dolphin schools.

Ken Yasuda and crew put John White (Dana Tackle manager) on a nice 76# yellowfin off a school of dolphin. A spreader bar was used to entice this fish. Dan Muslin also landed a yellowfin on a Rapala. Paddy fishing is all but over for the season. Coronado Islands still have steady fishing. The rockpile has been putting out some bruisers lately. A lot of these fish are in the 30# class. Small Bluefin are still being caught on iron and live bait at SKR.

Rock Cod season has begun with nice fish being caught in the deeper waters off the nine. Check all rock cod regulations before you fish. Groundfish Regulation Summary Probably a good idea to print out all the Rockfish ID Flyers on the Species of Concern page to help ID the different species.  Wardens have been pulling these out when checking bag limits. 

Lobster season is in full swing also. Some big bugs coming off the Mission Bay and San Diego Bay jettys.

We would like to welcome our newest member William Lopez and his family member Luke. William fishes out of his 27 Grady White. His boat is at Marina Village slip.

FOM for the month of September went to Chris Bailey on September 1st.  Chris released a Marlin for 130 pts=130 pounds. The August marlin count was 6 marlin and the September count was 3 marlin captured or released by MBMC members.

The Rock Cod/Lingcod Tournament will be November 16th &17th. Mark your calendars. Rules and Entry Form here. This will be our last tournament of the year.
Also watch for our November Seminar/Social date. Kenny Schilling will be back by popular demand.


MBMC thanks all our donors who generously contributed to our 50th Annual Marlin Tournament – September 27-29, 2024

Platinum Donors
Dana Landing Market and fuel dock- John White
Everingham Brothers Bait Company
EW Trucking- Jeff and Linda Winters (Una Mass)
John Brudvik (Gratitude)
Ken Yasuda (Encounter)
Bob and Donna Hargraves (Radar)
Diamond Donor
Clint Lively (Lively One)
Gold Donors
Paul and Gloria Himmelberger ( Reel Estate)
Bay Park Fish Co
Silver Donors
Sardina’s Restaurant
Seaforth Sportfishing
Larry Oberti
Offshore Tavern and Grill
Scott Paul (Tri-dent)
Red Marlin Restaurant
Lou Hayden

The Captains Meeting was held Friday night at Dock House Deli at Marina Village. Lasagna and a salad was served. As always the food and service was excellent. The early bird rod and reel was won by John Kirhoffer. The rod was donated by Fisherman’s Landing. Clint Lively donated the reel. Thank you for the donations!

Saturday’s tournament produced no fish for the 7 boats in the tournament.

Sunday was our banquet which was held on the patio at Sardina’s Italian Restaurant. A wonderful dinner was served consisting of more lasagne , chicken marsala , pasta and antipasto salad. Desert was a red velvet cake which featured an icing decoration of the MBMC burgee.
Since no fish were caught the prizes were awarded via a drawing.

 1st Prize of $1500 – Paul Himmelberger
 2nd Prize of $1000 – Kevin Yamamoto
 3rd Prize of $700 – Mike Plakosh

 1st Prize of $750 – Hugh Koller
 2nd Prize of $500 – Mako Ogden

Thanks again to all our donors. A special Thank you to all; the board members that made this tournament special. Thank you Ken, Kevin, Ray, Jim, Paul, Larry.

Christmas is coming. MBMC TEE SHIRTS MAKE A GREAT STOCKING STUFFER. You can contact Jim Kelly online at info@missionbaymarlinclub.org.

Once again it’s been a great year with seminars, socials, and tournaments. We look forward to another exciting year. Please tell your friends about our club.  Stay safe on the water this winter.

Scott Paul