MBMC 2024 Membership Renewal

The 2024 season is just around the corner and it is time to renew membership. You can renew your membership by going to the club website at the Membership page. You can renew on-line via paypal or by check with mail-in form . There is a release of liability form that needs to signed, dated, and returned as soon as possible to complete your membership. Your early renewal or new membership will help us start the new year.

2024 Dues:

Primary and Family Adults (18 and over) –                     $150 each
Spouse/Significant other and Children (under 18) –       $40 each
Fish of the Month –                                                         $25 each angler

*New for this year, a Daiwa Saltist reel will be given out as the Fish of the Month monthly prize*

REMINDER #1: Early Bird sign-ups for 2024 will end January 15, 2024. If you renew or
join as a new member by 1/15/2024, you will be entered to win the Early Bird prize. This
year’s Early Bird prize is a Penn Fathom Reel and the winner will be drawn at the Annual
Awards Banquet (1/27/24).

REMINDER #2: The deadline to be included in the 2024 MBMC Member/Boat Directory
is February 29, 2024. Note: You must have your membership dues paid in full by 2/29/2024
to be included in the directory. We want to get the new 2024 directory out as early as

Our Annual Awards Banquet will be held on January 27, 2024. We will be sending out the
invites with all the details very soon. You’ll want to RSVP as soon as possible because
seating is limited.

Ken Yasuda
2023 MBMC President / Membership Director

Oops Line December 2023

Dear Mission Bay Members,
 Happy Holidays to you and your families.

 Fishing is mainly deep water rock codding. Remember US waters will close for rock codding beginning January 1st. 

The Rock Cod Tournament that was canceled due to weather will be rescheduled for February/March 2024. Watch future oops line for updates regarding the new tournament date. 

There was no fish weighed in for November Fish of the Month .  Hopefully, to get more anglers involved in fish of the month the board has decided to sweeten the pot. Starting in 2024, a Daiwa fishing reel will be given to the winner of fish of the month.  Also in 2024, marlin releases will be eligible for fish of the month, using the same rules as the tournament format. Let’s get out on the water and cash in on your fish. Please also send us a picture of your fish to share with the club.

Remember Early Bird membership sign up is upon us. Sign up before January 15th and get your name entered in the drawing for a reel.

The 2024 Awards Banquet will again be held at Tom Ham’s Lighthouse on Saturday, January 27, 2024 @ 5:00 pm. Details and sign-up are in the attached flyer. Remember there is limited seating. So don’t miss out on this memorable evening.

We continue to be asked about MBMC’s 50th Anniversary shirts. Yes, we still have short and long sleeve shirts in most sizes. Please contact Jim Kelley to purchase shirts. 

As the end of the year approaches, I want to thank all the board members for all their hard work and compassion for the club. A special thank you to all our generous supporters, not only our members but Dana Tackle Shop, Fisherman’s Landing Tackle Shop and Everingham Brothers Bait Company.
We are always looking for members’ input in ways to improve the club. Please do not hesitate to reach out to any of the board members. We would love your feedback. A special Thank you to Larry Oberti for all his countless hours of running the club’s website. It is not an easy job.

Remember this is your club.  Let’s make 2024 a great year for the club.

Happy Holidays,
Scott Paul

November 2023 OopsLine

Hi to all!

Probably one of the best months to be on the seas. Usually calm,crisp and still offshore action. Heard about a couple bluefin being caught and lost around the ridge on 11\5\23. Rock codding has also been productive on both the north and south 9. A marlin was caught on a rock cod rig on the south nine last week.

FOM for October was a 15.4# Lingcod caught by Kevin Yamamoto.

November 18\19 is the MBMC Rockcod Tournament. Last year there were only two boats fishing in the tournament. A fun low key day on the water. Let’s get the word and have a few more participants.

Ron Cohen – 30ft Boston Whaler – SoFishticated

If you have photos of your fish or even great sunsets or pods of whales or dolphin, let’s get them posted not only on our website but our social media platform. Pictures can be sent to Tommy Baroner at Tommypatb@gmail.com

Remember to save the date for the 2023 Awards Banquet. This year it will be held January 27, 2024.
Reserve your seats . There is limited availability with 45 seats.

There will be no seminar or socials November\December due to the busy holiday season.

Hope everybody has a safe and happy holiday season!

Scott Paul
Secretary\social director 

Annual Rockcod/Lingcod Tournament

MBMC Members,

The year is flying by and November is the time for the annual Rockcod/Lingcod Tournament.  It is on NOVEMBER 18 & 19 this year.  click for Entry Form and Rules. Big Reds, Groupers, & Mex Cod are out there for the taking, in addition to the Lingcod moving in.

Keep in mind that until the END of 2023, we are required to fish DEEPER than the 50 fathom line as defined by Federal Regulation waypoints.  This applies to U.S. Waters only.

Good Luck on the water.

Kevin Yamamoto
MBMC Board Member


Dear members,
October is upon us. Fishing has been up and down for most boats. Recently Bluefin, Yellowfin and dorado have been showing in decent numbers. Yellowfin size has been great with numerous fish in the 50 pound class caught.  Fish have been found as close as 5 miles off Oceanside. The 178, 181, 182 have also been seeing good fishing.  Both Marlin and swordfish have been seen. It may be too early to bring out the rock cod gear.

We would like to welcome new members for October.
Ryan Tracey – 21’ Parker
Doug, Blake, and Brock RusselFish Dawg,  23’ Parker

Weighmaster Report –
Congratulations to Captain Dave Eisman on Joint Venture with angler Conner MaCauley for landing an 88 pound swordfish.  

Connor is not a member so current FOM is a 15.4# Lingcod.

Belated Congrats to Pat Holmes for his September 2 marlin catch and release on 30# tackle. Not included in Marlin Stats because MBMC rules require a photo.  Hard to do when you are SOLO! 

Don’t forget to put November 18/19 in your calendars for the Rock Cod/Ling Cod tournament .
We will have a seminar or social prior to the tournament. Watch the website for further information.

Getting towards the end of the year. Mark your calendars for the Mission Bay Marlin Club Awards Night. As all that have been to this event it is a fantastic evening with friends and family. It will be held at Tom Hamms Lighthouse on January 27th.

We want to thank our 94 members for all their support this year!

Good Luck on the fishing grounds,
Scott Paul