MBMC President’s Letter – January 2023 

Greetings fellow MBMC members,

I hope this message finds you well and Happy New Year to you all.


I want to start off with a reminder that the RSVP deadline for the 2022 MBMC awards banquet is this Sunday, January 15th. Get your RSVP in now!!! Awards banquet is scheduled for January 28th from 5-9 PM. Hope to see you all there. 

January 15th is also the early bird deadline for membership renewals to qualify for the Penn Fathom 2-speed reel. Get your renewals in now if you haven’t already.

I want to take a moment to congratulate Ken Yasuda for taking FOM for December 2022 with his 24.8 lb Ling Cod. Nice one Ken!

A special congrats goes out to Lou Hayden for taking a 37 lb Halibut on Dec 3. Great catch Lou! Lou would have taken FOM for the month, but he had already reached the annual limit of 2 FOMs for the year. Great year Lou! 

***As a reminder to all FOM participants, any one angler is limited to 2 FOM wins per year per club rules.

Not much else to report on the fishing front as far as I know. As we all know, the weather has not provided too many nice days so far this year. I’m sure we can all appreciate the rain we have been getting so enjoy the time to get some boat and tackle work taken care of. 

In closing, I did want to take a moment to thank the MBMC board for their efforts in making the awards banquet happen. They have planned a great event which I hope you can enjoy. Special thanks goes out to Billy Vitale for all his time and effort in putting together some great awards to be presented.

Tight lines and smooth seas,

Shane Hurt

MBMC President – 2022

President’s Message – December 2022

Season’s Greetings fellow MBMC members……I hope this holiday season finds you all happy and healthy.

As we close out the 2022 year, I wanted to pass along one last download of what was a great fishing year overall. A plethora of quality gamefish and a nice spread of Marlin made this a year to remember. As most of you would probably guess, fishing has slowed considerably with weather turning less favorable during the winter months. I am not aware of any hot bites taking place aside from a handful of deep drop swordfish coming to those that put in the effort. I did also hear that Cod fishing was good in Mexican waters. I believe US waters close December 31st and remain closed until April 1st of 2023; refer to your Cal F&W regs before taking my word for it!

I’d like to congratulate Kevin Yamamoto for taking the November FOM honors with a nice grade 128 lb BFT. Well done Kevin!

Also a huge congrats goes out to Scott Paul on his boat Trident for taking 1st, 2nd and 3rd place honors in the annual MBMC Rock Cod tournament. Excellent job to Scott and crew in taking home ~$500 in winnings!!!

Special thanks to those that put together and attended the MBMC 2022 End of Season social. A great BBQ spread at the Marina Deli was enjoyed by ~25 members spending some downtime to catch up on friendships and fish stories. A great time for sure!

*Important reminder! The annual MBMC Awards Banquet is fast approaching with limited seating so be sure to get signed up asap. Get your RSVP handled by January 15th. The event will take place at Tom Ham’s on Harbor Island on Saturday, Jan 28th from 5pm-9pm. Tickets prices are $60 for members and $70 for non-members. Flyer is attached.

I’d like to welcome new club member Kevin Mackinnon and his 51′ Sea Ray, “Tied Up and Twisted” to the club. Welcome aboard Kevin!

On that note, I wanted to remind you all to get your club membership renewals sent in asap. Club membership is currently at an impressive 91. The early bird renewal deadline is fast approaching on January 15th with a Penn Fathom 2-speed reel on the line for the lucky drawing winner!!!  You can renew online here , (pay via paypal and mail in the signed Release of Liability form)  or  pay by check using the linked Membership Application Forms.

I think that’s a wrap for 2022. I want to thank you all for making this a memorable year. Special thanks goes out to your MBMC board members. They did an amazing job putting together some great events as we pulled out of Covid isolation and they deserve a ton of gratitude from us all. Please reach out if you are able to participate in the board as any and all help is appreciated. Your participation is what makes this club all the more special.

Until next time….tight lines, smooth seas and the happiest of holidays to you all,

Shane Hurt

MBMC President – 2022

MBMC President’s Message – November 2022

Greetings fellow club members,

I hope this message finds you all well as the peak of the 2022 fishing season winds down. I hope you all managed to find time to get out and enjoy what has been a spectacular season overall. And while the water temperatures trend in a cooler direction, know that there are still some opportunities to stock up the freezer for the winter.

Though the numbers have dwindled, there is still a chance to find some Bluefin Tuna around. Recent action has been reported inside San Clemente Island and around the 267 zone off Dana Point. Also of note are recent catches of Swordfish along the 9 mile bank, inside San Clemente, and off Oceanside to name a few.

Wanted to take a moment to congratulate Shannon Carpenter on her October FOM win with a 47.4 lb BFT. Well done Shannon and team Encounter.

***Reminder!!! Be sure to come out and enjoy the Mission Bay Marlin Club End Of The Year Social which will be held Saturday December 3, 2022, from 2 to 5pm at the Marina Village Dockside Deli – 1842 Quivira Way. Hope to see you all there for an afternoon of comradery and fish stories recapping the 2022 season. 

Another reminder to be sure to save the date for the annual MBMC Awards Banquet coming up on Saturday, January 28th starting at 5pm at Tom Hamm’s Lighthouse. For those of you that made the last banquet at this venue, you will recall what a great venue it is and a great way to celebrate the 2022 fishing season. RSVP deadline is Saturday, January 15th. An announcement flyer will be coming soon with more details.

Wishing you all the best,

Shane Hurt

MBMC President – 2022

MBMC Rockcod/Lingcod Tournament Reminder

I would like to remind everyone that the MBMC Rockcod/Lingcod Tournament is this coming weekend, November 12th & 13th.  You may fish one or two days of the Two Day Tournament.  There are awards for an Adult Division as well as a Junior Division.  I’m sure there are plenty of big Reds and Lingcod out there for Club Members to target.  

Click here for Entry Form and Rules .  Hope to see you out there.  I

Kevin Yamamoto

Tournament Co-chair

MBMC President’s Letter – October 2022

Greetings fellow anglers….

I hope you are all managing to find some time to enjoy the 2022 fishing season while the good weather remains with us. We are very fortunate to have enjoyed a long and productive fishing year.

Wanted to give one last shout out to the winners of this year’s MBMC Marlin Tournament winners. What an amazing tournament full of fun events, good catching, and great comradery. I also wanted to send out a note of appreciation to your board members and everyone that contributed their time to make this yet another special event. And as always, a special thanks goes out to all our tournament sponsors that together help make this such a special annual event.

While much of the attention went to the big MBMC Marlin Tournament, the Roy Lively Month-Long Marlin Tournament was going on in September as well.  This year the shootout was limited to the Hargrave family v. Team Encounter.  We did not have the numbers of fish we would have liked this year for a month-long event, but there were decent numbers of Billfish out there.  Sport boats and private boats were reported to hook them by accident on kelps, tuna feathers, and even the infamous Mad Macs.

The Tournament came to an end on September 30th with the single Marlin release by team Encounter.  Good job Ken Yasuda and team!

I also wanted to congratulate Tim Honick for his September 2022 FOM win taken for his 129.2 lb Marlin catch aboard Jeff Meeker’s Doghouse. Well done Tim!

***Reminder to all to get signed up for this year’s MBMC Rock/Ling cod Tournament coming up November 12th & 13th. Always a fun event to wind down the fishing season. Click for Tournament Entry Form and Rules.

I would like to welcome new MBMC members Dave Boggerman aboard Desperado, a 39’ Chris Craft, and Jeff Winters aboard Una Mas, a 26’ Blackman.  Club membership stands at 90 members. 

A quick reminder that MBMC club T-shirts are still available for purchase for $20 each. Be sure to stock up before supplies are depleted.

I don’t have a ton of info to share regarding the current bite. Honestly, I have been locked into kids soccer and work this year. Always seems to be the case when the bite is good! I do know that the show is not over with Marlin still being caught in close off Newport Beach that I know of. Also be sure to get your Swordfish deep drop gear dialed in as that part of the year is starting to happen locally.

Until next time….tight lines and smooth seas,

Shane Hurt

MBMC President – 2022