MBMC Members,
We are now into June of this year. Fishing has been on and off, but the season has been slowly ramping up.
This month (June) is the MONTH LONG YELLOWTAIL Tournament. There are still yellowtail to be found on the right Paddys offshore. But the bigger news would be the Local yellowtail that have been seen, with some caught also. The half-day even managed a 47 pound slug over at La Jolla this past Friday. This went along with good bass fishing and even some legal barracuda in the mix. It would be a great time to fill in the Entry for our Month Long Tournament (Entry and Rules Link)
Also, see below (or on website) for the remaining 2023 MBMC Tournament Schedule:
- JUNE 1-30, 2023 – Yellowtail Tournament
- JULY 15-16, 2023 – Tuna Tournament
- AUGUST 19-20, 2023 – What’s Hot Tournament
- SEPTEMBER 1-30, 2023 – Ron Lively Monthlong Marlin Tournament
- SEPTEMBER 22-24, 2023 – MBMC Marlin Tournament
Finally, do not forget to sign up for the BLUEFIN TUNA SEMINAR / BBQ (free to members, see attached Flyer link ) on June 17th at the Dockside Deli (Marina Village).
Hope to see you at the Seminar, on the Water, or at the Dock.
Jim Kelley / Kevin Yamamoto
MBMC Tournament Directors